[Ti] help with 10.4

Chris Olson chris.olson at astcomm.net
Tue Dec 13 20:41:37 PST 2005

On Dec 13, 2005, at 10:21 PM, Chris Olson wrote:

> I tried to start both of them with the Tiger install disc and reset  
> the password with no luck.  I booted to single user mode, mounted  
> the disk at /, ran /etc/rc to init the system and bring it online,  
> ran SystemStarter to start misc system services, then reset the  
> password for root.  After reboot I then logged in with the GUI as  
> root and reset the user passwords.

One tip if you use this method to get back into your system, don't  
just shut the power off when you're done.  The HFS+ file system used  
by OS X is quite fragile and not exactly up to the standards of a  
real Unix file system like BSD UFS.  Use the shutdown command (in the  
form: 'shutdown -h now') to halt the system or you'll hose your file  
system and have to recover it from journal at boot time.

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