[Ti] Virtual PC question

Chris Olson chris.olson at astcomm.net
Tue Dec 20 16:34:09 PST 2005

On Dec 20, 2005, at 1:22 PM, Robert Ameeti wrote:

> What I was asking is how you know that they are going to drop the  
> Mac version?

Because if you keep track of what goes on the Mac software  
development community, which I happen to do, several things have  

1.)  Apple has announced Mac OS X running on Intel processors.  An  
environment which emulates x86 hardware is no longer needed on x86  

2.)  Codeweavers has pledged support for Crossover Office on Mac OS X  
on Intel processors.  This means Windows applications will run on Mac  
OS X with no need for emulation environments or even a bootable  
Windows environment.

3.)  Microsoft sunsets support for software in which no market  
potential exists.  An example is the sunsetting of support for IE:mac  
on December 31, 2005.

Once Codeweavers supports Mac OS X they'll be selling a product that  
costs much less than VPC, and no additional cost for a Windows  
license required to run Windows software.  Microsoft will sell no  
copies of VPC for Mac anymore.  It will disappear from their software  
lineup, just like IE did (is).

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