[Ti] Reinstall w/ Archive Option (was: iPod Issue On my PB)

Mike Bigley bigley at mac.com
Sun Feb 27 10:58:59 PST 2005

>I'm not sure what exactly I did wrong, but I couldn't mount disk images, or
>even install updates. That doesn't mean it doesn't or won't work, just that
>I might have done something boneheaded to dork up my OS install. I sure wish
>I knew what it might have been, so I could at least learn something other
>than "it might not work the way you'd hoped.")

I have had great success using Archive and Install option.  As I 
understand it, this is the best of both worlds; it installs a fresh 
copy of the OS then moves your settings into that install.  Here are 
some general guidelines that I follow when installing OSX that at 
least minimize potential problems:

- Run DiskWarrior or at least DIsk FIrst Aid prior to the install to 
clean up hard drive bits.
- Use MacJanitor (free) or some similar app to clean up the Unix 
caches prior to install.
- Repair Disk permissions (through Disk Utility) both before and 
after the install.
- Of course, back up all important data.

Another thing that is much more important with OSX than in previous 
Mac OS install is to READ the readme docs.  These actually contain 
important information that may be specific to your hardware...OSX is 
less forgiving of seemingly minor issues.


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