[Ti] Re: what "Think different" means

Steve Wozniak steve at woz.org
Thu Jun 9 16:55:03 PDT 2005

At 2:14 AM +0300 2005.06.10, Dr. Trevor J. Hutley wrote:
>It caused me to reflect on the aspects of the Mac that we thought were different, and how these will be affected by this change.  My analysis concludes that we are still on the positive side. It also leads to a proposal for a 2-tier product strategy.
>What made the Mac different, in my view (as a Powerbook user), was:
>1.  the industrial design (I hope we lose none of that)
>2. the cutting edge hardware eg FW, screen, slot-drive (may not be affected)
>3. the OS (hoping this will go from strength to strength)
>4. the performance, which we understood was due to the superiority of the PowerPC chip

not to me

Think Different meant that we didn't follow the masses, in order to be superior.

In the current case, I'll buy what Apple says about the future being better with Intel, but it does bite into the idea of going against the grain.

Best regards,

Steve  (ok a new size tv)
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