[Ti] A real world comparison

Robert Ameeti Robert at Ameeti.net
Thu Jun 9 19:15:24 PDT 2005

At 6:08 PM -0500, 6/9/05, Dennis Fazio wrote:

>With a few exceptional cases that won't affect mainstream purchasing 
>volumes, running applications under OSX on a Mac or under Longhorn 
>on a PC should not be significantly different in performance for 
>equivalent hardware. There ain't no magic.

But what there is is different philosophies at different companies. 
Some companies may have a greater desire for quality (at an increased 
cost and lower volume) while another may put quantity shipped (with a 
lower quality but higher shipping quantity) at a higher priority. And 
this is largely what is happening with the Apple / Windows 
differences. So there is the ability to differentiate between 
operating systems. Plus you also have the be everything to everyone 
bloat that Windows has come to be. Microsoft's problem is that they 
have to fit and work with multitudes of hardware and decades worth of 
Rube Goldberg solutions. 'Taint fun to be in Microsoft's shoes.

>Dennis Fazio


Robert Ameeti

Recursive, adj.: see Recursive.

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