[Ti] A real world comparison

Robert Ameeti Robert at Ameeti.net
Sat Jun 11 09:16:16 PDT 2005

At 11:07 AM -0500, 6/11/05, Chris Olson wrote:

>Putting technical merits aside, in the end it doesn't look like 
>people will have much choice, does it?

Same choices we've had for the last many years: Windows, Mac, Sun, Linux, etc.

>Mac users will be running PC hardware (that'll boot Windows 
>natively) that has an Apple logo emblazoned on it.  Phoenix BIOS,

Where did you hear that it would be a Phoenix BIOS?

>Gone will be Open Firmware, open spec architecture, and the freedom 
>of a hardware platform that's not controlled by Microsoft.

Huh? Why o why would you think any of the above? And when did you 
last have open spec architecture from Apple? Have you been smokin' 

Robert Ameeti

One man tells a falsehood, a hundred repeat it as true.

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