[Ti] Strange screen 'jumps'

John Griffin jwegriffin at mac.com
Mon May 2 16:50:10 PDT 2005

This happened when I installed Tiger on my Powerbook. The attached 17²
Studio Display started having the Œyips¹ like yours. I went into the ATI
System Preferences item (installed by the latest ATI software update) and it
reported that something had not been installed properly and it offered to
install it properly for me. I clicked OK, rebooted and everything has been
stable ever since.


Robin Jackson typed this message on 4/29/05 9:53 AM:

> Hi
> I was wondering if anyone else is having the following problem on a
> PowerBook 15inch 1.67Ghz.
> When connected to my external 19inch LG flat panel display via DVI the
> display intermittently 'jumps'.
> This does not happen on my external monitor at work although this does go
> through a DVI to VGA adapter.
> Also this does not happen on my LG display with my old PowerBook via DVI.
> It is very strange.

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