[Ti] cordless phone recommendation

Jim Freeman jpfreeman at mac.com
Thu Nov 3 09:25:45 PST 2005

I'm ready for a new cordless phone. My current plain-vanilla cordless  
phone from about 10 years ago doesn't seem to conflict with my  
Airport network. I'd like to get a decent phone. I know some conflict  
with Wifi. 900mhz? 2.4ghz?

I have two airport express routers. One connected to my DSL modem and  
another that extends the signal and is connected to my USB printer  
for wireless printing. My PBG4 has an Airport extreme card, of  
course. And my wife's dual USB iBook has an older "b" card.



Powerbook G4 12" 1.33 GHz
OS X 10.4.3
768 MB Ram
80 Gig HD

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