[Ti] Re: Powerbook MacIntel...(OT)

Mikael Byström mikael.bystrom at punkass.com
Mon Nov 28 23:53:33 PST 2005

Chris Olson said:

>On PowerPC it's made up for with AltiVec on the desktop and will be  
>transparent to your music/video editing friend.  
Well, I can just say that he agrees with you on altivec, but he is still
not happy. His main gripe lately has been that the graphics bus is way
too slow for his 3D-work in Maya (aimed at movies). Also he lacks serious
3D renderfarmtype hardware that can tie right in with Mac hardware.

His view on OS X performance is that "if Maya could run realtime on a 4
year old PC in 2002, then what the heck can't I get that performance from
my dual-G5 now? OS X should run fast even on a 601 CPU! Apple should have
bought Be instead dammit!". 
I then go on telling him (for umpeeth time) what else Apple got with
purchase of Next and how Be wasn't as complete yet (which I believe was
true). I'm not sure how the Intel migration sits with him, but I think he
understands the move. As long as he can perform as fast as Maya on the
PC, run many many audio plugins, run realtime AS sofsynths and otherwise
stay on the bleedin' edge, he's probably up for it.

"It's not about how powerful the computer is. It's about what powerful
things you can do with it!"

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