[Ti] Apple Remote + Front Row

Justin R. Miller incanus at codesorcery.net
Thu Oct 13 13:18:53 PDT 2005

$29 it is -- see the right column of the store page.

On Oct 13, 2005, at 2:10 PM, Jim Freeman wrote:

> The new Apple Remote with Front Row software looks really cool. Not  
> cool enough to buy a new iMac though, especially when I'm very  
> happy with my PBG4. I had a look at Apple's web site, but I don't  
> see any signs of Apple selling the remote separately. I'd buy one  
> in a minute if they did. I often hook my PB up to the television to  
> watch video or show iPhoto slideshows. With a remote I could keep  
> my lazy butt firmly glued to the couch.
> I imagine it's only a matter of time before Apple releases this as  
> a stand-alone. I guess they'll wait a while to capture all the  
> people who are enticed to buy an iMac for this feature. But there  
> must be plenty of people like me who aren't going to buy a new iMac  
> no matter what bells and whistles are attached. I'm sure many would  
> be willing to plunk down $29 or $49 for the remote plus Front Row  
> software, though. I guess there would have to be some sort of USB  
> device that would receive the signal.
> Anybody have any information about this?
> Jim
> Powerbook G4 12" 1.33 GHz
> OS X 10.4.2
> 768 MB Ram
> 80 Gig HD
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Justin R. Miller
incanus at codesorcery.net

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