[Ti] Apple Remote + Front Row

Mark Gibson gibsonm at bigpond.net.au
Thu Oct 13 13:39:01 PDT 2005

At 4:18 PM -0400 13/10/05, Justin R. Miller wrote:
>$29 it is -- see the right column of the store page.
>On Oct 13, 2005, at 2:10 PM, Jim Freeman wrote:
>>The new Apple Remote with Front Row software looks really cool. Not 
>>cool enough to buy a new iMac though, especially when I'm very 
>>happy with my PBG4. I had a look at Apple's web site, but I don't 
>>see any signs of Apple selling the remote separately. I'd buy one 
>>in a minute if they did. I often hook my PB up to the television to 
>>watch video or show iPhoto slideshows. With a remote I could keep 
>>my lazy butt firmly glued to the couch.
>>I imagine it's only a matter of time before Apple releases this as 
>>a stand-alone. I guess they'll wait a while to capture all the 
>>people who are enticed to buy an iMac for this feature. But there 
>>must be plenty of people like me who aren't going to buy a new iMac 
>>no matter what bells and whistles are attached. I'm sure many would 
>>be willing to plunk down $29 or $49 for the remote plus Front Row 
>>software, though. I guess there would have to be some sort of USB 
>>device that would receive the signal.
>>Anybody have any information about this?

Yes but it requires built in Infra red to work and there is no 
mention of "Front Row".

Personally I'm guessing that iLife '06 will have an extra component.


Mark (}-:
+61 (0)4 1927 7198
Skype / AIM / iChat: gibsonm1

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