[Ti] Re: New iMac models... [ no Modem]

Kim Gammelgård kgani at mac.com
Fri Oct 14 19:30:56 PDT 2005

LOL! And I though modems were old-fashioned. Do you really also still  
use faxes? Not just Steve, but any of you? If you do have a phone  
line (and a modem... ;-) ) email must be so much better to use.

(I wonder how we survived just 10 years ago. Well, he, I remember: in  
1994 I was working in Brussels, Belgium and one evening I sent 10  
pages by fax to 26 international organizations with a seminar program  
that had to go out very quickly. Ordinary mail was out of the  
question because of lack of time. It took a whole night, IIRC, and it  
was a pain to feed the fax again and again and it was extremely  
expensive. Today it would take less than a minute with email and cost  
less than just one page cost to send back then.)

Kind regards,


Den 15. okt 2005 kl. 4.11 skrev Steve Wozniak:

> At 9:01 PM -0500 2005.10.14, Shawn King wrote:
>> Unlikely. People still need modems when they travel.
> both for internet connection and faxing conveniently.
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Steve  (ok a new size tv)
> ````````````````````````````````````````````````````
> Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur

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