[Ti] Intel cuts PC boot time

Justin R. Miller incanus at codesorcery.net
Wed Oct 19 07:17:51 PDT 2005

I've used a 1GB CF card in a PCMCIA adapter for fun before... at the  
very least, it's quiet!  Makes sense that the battery would last  
longer as well.

On Oct 19, 2005, at 12:16 AM, Timothy Luoma wrote:

> Intel cuts PC boot time
> By Michael Kanellos
> Intel is showing off a future technology called Robson that could  
> cut that annoying boot-up time.
> With Robson, a PC pulls data and applications off an add-in flash  
> memory card and Intel software, rather than the PC's hard drive.  
> Flash reacts more quickly than hard drives, thus cutting down the  
> time it takes to launch an application. Potentially, notebook users  
> could experience a longer battery life because the hard drive,  
> which is spun by a motor, wouldn't have to work as hard.
> (more)
> URL: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1040_22-5897993.html
> Printer: http://news.zdnet.com/2102-1040_22-5897993.html?tag=printthis
> See also:
> Flash! Laptop boot time shortened
> 10/18/2005 8:40:57 AM, by Eric Bangeman
> Intel showed off its new Robson cache technology yesterday, when it  
> gave a demonstration using a laptop that booted up almost  
> immediately. The laptop in the question was equipped with a nice  
> chunk of NAND flash RAM, which made the super-speedy startup time  
> possible. As part of the demonstration, Intel also launched several  
> applications from the flash drive, including Adobe Reader in 0.4  
> seconds and Quicken in 2.9 seconds
> more: http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20051018-5446.html
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Justin R. Miller
incanus at codesorcery.net

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