[Ti] Intel cuts PC boot time

John simplymail at ururk.com
Sun Oct 23 15:05:23 PDT 2005

>  remember when I had SoftWindows. That program had the same ability  
> to take a snapshot of your configuration when you quit it. When you  
> started up Softwindows the next time everything instantly jumped  
> into place and you could instantly start up where you left off.  
> Does anyone know whether VPC have the same ability? I assumed that  
> this was one of the features of the Windows system.

I know VPC 5 had this ability, but it was slow to save the existing  
state, slow to start the existing state, and would sometimes not wake  

I have a copy of VP7 finally (I LOVE EDUCATION LICENSING!!!!), but  
haven't loaded it on a G5 to test it yet.

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