hello, my name is keating fee and i am a student at delgado community college in new orleans. When i graduated i opened a credit account to be able to buy a powerbook with my saved money and pay the rest of month by month. well now my powerbook has been flooded and of course there is no insurance in the apartment. I know its probably impossible but if anyone couldhelp me out with any sort of laptop even if its a old black powerbook or something. Literally i just need something to be able to take online courses for my computer networking degree because the only way to currently resume classes is via the internet. Anyway i tried apple to see if they could please help me and i would send them the waterlogged powerbook back for any assistance but of course it was declined and i dont blame them they are a business. But if anyone can think of anyway they could assist me please e-mail me at keatingfee at bellsoouth.net , i will be checking my email a coouple times a day from the hotel my family is staying in in alabama so even if you guys could just email any ideas or words of support it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks to all and may the source (os x) be with you.