[Ti] Strange browser behavior

Da Pen macstonelson at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 17 07:46:33 PDT 2006


Has anyone else experienced the following recently?

Whether using safari or camino both Yahoo and Ebay
seem to be hanging up while trying to load.  Far as I
know we don't have this problem with any other
websites.  It seems that it has coincided with a
message that recently started showing up once the
login process is completed and the user preferences
are loading.  The message is from Norton Personal
Firewall and basically states: Apple File Server wants
to open port 548 and this port is blocked by firewall,
do you want to allow connections through 548?

If I deny this connection option and then connect
using dsl, then attempt to open ebay or yahoo - they
will hang up and mostly never load - though as I write
this I have managed to not have this problem.  If I
then go to the firewall and temporarily disable it and
hit the reload button or stop button and then hit
'reload' - ebay or yahoo will immediately load.  If I
then enable the firewall I can usually continue my
browsing and activities in ebay or yahoo.  However,
once I enable the firewall I immediately receive the
"file server wants to connect" notice again.  What's
up?  Any chance I've got a virus or an autodialer or
something like that going on?  I get very nervous
disabling the firewall.

So, I don't understand why all of sudden the file
server wants to make these connections.  Can I disable
its interest in doing so - and how do I find out why
it wants to do so?

Thanks. Dave

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