[Ti] TiBook 500 with airport wireless card

Jon Riecken jfriecken at gmail.com
Fri Dec 22 19:07:33 PST 2006

Hi guys,

I have a PB G4 667MHZ DVI/80/1/AIRPORT/ETC. I was just wondering, I  
have a combo drive currently in my computer, and replaced it with a  
DVDRW drive from an albook 17". I just got an mce 8x dual layer drive  
for my tibook, installed it, and it does not show up in the profiler.  
The odd thing is, while using a converter, I was able to hook the  
drive up to my PC via IDE, and it works! Any ideas, if there is a  
jumper on the back of the drive, to enable it? The albook drive is a  
slow 1x drive... :( Any help appreciated...

On Dec 22, 2006, at 8:59 PM, John McGibney wrote:

> eBay, there are always a few for sale.
> John
> On Dec 22, 2006, at 9:29 PM, karen spitzer wrote:
>> Hello List,
>> I've upgraded to a MacBook and want to sell my TiBook - 512k ram.  
>> Would you
>> suggest parting it out, and if so where do I research prices.
>> All components work well, no marks on the screen from the keyboard  
>> (always
>> used a protection between), airport wireless card works like a  
>> champ. The
>> case and hinges have no wear marks. The only reason I upgraded was  
>> speed.
>> Has two batteries and 3 power adaptors; 2 hockey pucks and one  
>> white brick.
>> Thanks for any information, and Happy Holidays!
>> karen
> --
> If the left side of your brain controls the right side of your body  
> & vice-versa, then only left-handed people are in their right mind.
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