[Ti] 'convert' X-only disk drivers to OS9-compatible?

Dan K macdan at comcast.net
Tue Jan 17 08:14:30 PST 2006

In the thread "More MacBook Pro Questions", "Timothy D. Naegele" 
<tdnaegele.associates at gmail.com> wrote:
>I was told by Apple that Classic had to be installed before everything
>else, and that they screwed up when they put in the new HD.

This isn't quite Timothy issue, but . . .

Is it possible to boot to an OS 9 install CD and use Drive Setup to 
"Update Drivers" without spoiling an existing OS X install (that is, one 
where OS 9 drivers were _not_ installed when the drive was initialized?) 
I haven't got on hand an OSX-only Mac on which to test this possibility.

Back to Timothy's issue, it's certainly possible to do an OS9/Classic 
install on any Mac by simply dragging a valid OS 9 system folder onto any 
mounted volume, then point Classic to that folder. You'll of course need 
an OS 9 capable Mac on which to do an original OS 9 install.

Holy heck, this Intel jump will be a major break for those of us who 
every day still use and rely on Classic. I mean, I can still run 1985 Mac 
apps (well, properly-coded ones, anyway :-)) on a current PPC 
10.4.4/Classic machine. That Macintosh-compatible continuity forms a big 
part of why Mac users are so loyal, it's all part of one big Mac 
experience. I trust a suitable PPC emulator will appear before too long 
so the lovin' can continue. :-)

dan k


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