Personal experience (was: Re: Good advice! (was: Re: [Ti] Windows compatable))

Ardeshir Mehta ardeshir at
Tue Jan 17 11:04:16 PST 2006

On 17-Jan-06, at 1:16 AM, Mikael Byström wrote:

> Ardeshir Mehta said:
>> Uh ... I dunno about the rest of you, but my wife's Windows  
>> machine - the one her office insists on her using - crashes,  
>> seizes up, or is just plain annoying, at least *ten* times more  
>> often than my TiBook.
>> I'd say that definitely makes my TiBook more of a VIABLE  
>> alternative for general computing!
> That is not common experience so it proves nothing about general  
> computing (what's that really?) outside of your personal experience.

Well, my personal experience is more important to *me* than any  
number of research findings ;-) !

That said, does anyone know of any experiments done in a proper  
scientific way (with double blind studies, etc., etc.) to find out  
which is the more reliable OS - Mac OS or Windows? (I know that it  
*can* be done, since I have a background in agriculture, and in  
agriculture such experiments can be done.)

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