Personal experience (was: Re: Good advice! (was: Re: [Ti] Windows compatable))

Chris Olson chris.olson at
Tue Jan 17 11:35:19 PST 2006

On Jan 17, 2006, at 1:04 PM, Ardeshir Mehta wrote:

> That said, does anyone know of any experiments done in a proper  
> scientific way (with double blind studies, etc., etc.) to find out  
> which is the more reliable OS - Mac OS or Windows?

No studies, but literally millions of deployments speaks for itself.   
Windows is the hands down winner.  Windows application developers  
have been able to deploy solutions and move from revision to revision  
pretty much seamlessly over the years, with only minor glitches aka  
Windows XP SP2.

Apple, OTOH has jumped ship too many times.  The transition from  
Apple to Mac made all Apple software obsolete.  Then we went from 68K  
to PPC, then OS 9 to OS X, then PPC to Intel, each time adding  
complexity, development cost, and alienating legacy users and  

Reliability in Enterprise and business has way factors than just  
technical excellence.

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