[Ti] From TiBook to MacBook: two questions

Dr Trevor J. Hutley TrevorHutley at consultant.com
Wed Mar 22 10:20:47 PST 2006

On 22 Mar 2006, at 18:01, Bill White wrote:

> A few weeks ago I migrated to a 2 GHz MacBook Pro from a 1 GHz TiBook,
> skipping over any experience with the AlBooks. I'm trying to avoid  
> one issue
> I had with the TiBook and trying to troubleshoot a now recurring  
> issue.
> First, the TiBooks are well-known for having problems with marks on  
> their
> screens, and mine was no exception. It was plagued with the usual  
> screen
> marks...despite the fact that the screen *never* came in contact  
> with the
> keyboard; I used a piece of thin leather-like fabric between the  
> keyboard
> and screen, but it didn't fix the problem.
> I seem to recall that the AlBooks, and hopefully the MacBooks, have  
> more
> space between the screen and keyboard, making a piece of fabric  
> unnecessary.
> Is this true?

My very early Al-book (OCT-03) has never had any key imprint problems  
(which I definitely had with the Ti-500).
My screen was changed by Apple in summer 2005 because of the white- 
spot problem, but at the time, I had no key marks, and since then I  
can report no key marks at all.


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