[Ti] Re: Software

Da Pen macstonelson at yahoo.com
Sat May 20 21:52:13 PDT 2006

Regarding the software issue.  My situation is this:
I'm a stonemason working on building a business.  Cash
is strapped.  I need saws, grinders, chisels, a
bobcat, forklift, dumptruck, better trailer, etc... I
have some mac equipment available for use - a duo
2300c (very good screen and working order) and am
thinking of getting another desktop machine of similar
vintage.  I want to do bookkeeping (which I have
located MacBooks Pro), contacts, calendaring, project
management software, illustration/drawing/cad,
spreadsheet, and photoshop.  I want the photoshop in
order to start making photorealistic mock-ups of
project designs for the client.  I find that most
clients just can't envision the designs so I intend to
do more than drawings.  I will make libraries of my
stonework and other examples to show clients while in
the field.  In this way I can show stone style,
pointing styles, color ideas, etc...  I think it will
also add to my professionalism - which is often
lacking in my trade.

My wife spends lots of time on her PB G4 so I am
generally unable to access it for my business use. 
Even if I could use hers I can't afford the lastest
software for these needs.  With the above setup I
figure I can do what I need for a while.  Eventually,
when I get rich ;-) I can buy the latest and greatest.

Thanks. Dave

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