[Ti] OT: Phone recommendations?

Kaskudoo kaskudoo at freenet.de
Tue May 23 02:13:21 PDT 2006

i would be interested in a sum-up :)

On May 23, 2006, at 2:20 AM, Kynan Shook wrote:

> So, I'm looking at getting a new phone - from either Verizon or  
> Cingular.  I want Bluetooth, and I want to be able to sync iCal and  
> Address Book, and being able to use Salling Clicker would be nice  
> too.  I'm OK with hacking the phones so Verizon's bluetooth doesn't  
> suck quite so much, though I'd like to hear from people's personal  
> experience.  What phones do you folks use, and can you do the  
> above?  I'm disappointed to see that the Motorola phones don't seem  
> to work with the phone events of Salling Clicker. :-(
> I was glancing a bit at the Sony-Ericsson W600i or Z520a.  Any  
> experiences there?
> Priorities are: Bluetooth syncing to iCal and Address book, Salling  
> Clicker operation (including phone events).  Internet access would  
> be nice too - but I don't use it often enough for a data plan, so  
> being able to use minutes to dial up would be fine.  Currently, I  
> use Verizon's Quick2Net to get a 14.4k connection using minutes,  
> whenever I'm in need.
> I'd suggest replying off-list only, since it's off-topic...  I can  
> summarize later if folks are interested.
> Thanks much!
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