[Ti] Re: best upgrade options?

Barbara Needham barbneed at mac.com
Wed Sep 27 12:39:01 PDT 2006

I can't answer all your questions but I can say that OS 10.3.9 runs quite
well on the Titanium power book and in my opinion doesn't have as many
issues as 10.2.

gwen on 9/27/06 said

>I'm trying to send again, as my subscription was not complete the first
>On 9/26/06, gwen <gwenkraft at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I need advice on the best upgrade options for my titanium.  I am losing
>> data and icons off the desk top.
>> Except for an increase (in the cache I think) to double about 2 years ago,
>> I have not had any other upgrades. [Maybe this is reflected in the memory
>> SDRAM numbers below?]
>> I am still running OS X 10.2.8,   and Classic 9.2
>> Machine speed  400 MHz;  Bus speed 100 MHz,   L2 cache size  1 MB
>> Top Memory    SDRAM  256 MB
>> Bottom Memory SDRAM 256 MB
>> Airport is an option; but I do not have it at this time.
>> No battery problem.
>> I would like, at minimum to upgrade the OS X and Classic operating systems
>> to the newest and most efficient possible for the titanium.
>> I would also like to increase memory or efficiency to prevent the recent
>> crashes and loss of data.
>> Please advise.
>> Thank you.

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