[Ti] 2 q's: vi and make

Alias luteslinger at gmail.com
Thu Apr 12 18:03:52 PDT 2007

Thanks for all the answers I installed the developer tools from the
install CD, but ...
I want JUsT vi, not VIM.

On 4/6/07, P. H. Adams <phadams at mac.com> wrote:
> > Do I need X Developer to use make or configure?
> Yes, the developer tools install gcc and related files which give you
> the ability to compile source files.
> > And how can I get vi to open?
> just type 'vi' on the command line (in Terminal) and it should open.
> OS X installs vim (vi improved) by default, so launching vi will
> actually launch vim. You can also type 'vi filename' (no quotes) to
> open vi with a new file entitled 'filename'. Change your filename as
> appropriate.
> If you've never used vi before, you might get frustrated initially --
> it has a pretty steep learning curve. I recommend doing a search for
> a tutorial online (or doing the built-in vim tutorial) before you
> start doing any heavy-duty editing.
> Patch
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