[Ti] TiBook Gigabit Ethernet Replacement advice sought

Arjan Bos arjan.bos at hetnet.nl
Fri May 11 00:08:18 PDT 2007

On 10 mei 2007, at 18:36, Barbara Needham wrote:

> Best bargain is the MacBook pro. either size screen [not the great big
> one though].
> Enough more power than the MacBook to make it worth while.
> I didn't like the glossy screen when we looked at it.

That's my opinion too. A colleague brought his windows laptop over  
with a glossy screen. It looks nice for the first 5 minutes, but then  
the reflection is becoming too much.


The Kappamaki, a whaling research ship, was currently researching the  
question: How many whales can you catch in one week?

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