[Ti] How to store a Powerbook?

Kynan Shook kshook at cae.wisc.edu
Mon May 21 18:44:13 PDT 2007

Plugged in, battery removed and at 40%.
Plugged in will keep the clock accurate and the internal PRAM battery  
charged and in good condition.  However, storing a battery at 100%  
charge for a long time is a good way to lose capacity quickly.   
Hence, discharge it to 40%, then store it in a cool location.

Tom Klinkowstein <klinkows at mediaa.com> writes:
> I have a MacBook Pro as my everyday machine and a Aluminum G4
> Powerhook to use as backup in case the MacBook Pro needs service.
> I will only use the Powerbook when and if the MacBook Pro needs  
> service.
> Should I store the Powerbook plugged in or unplugged?

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