[Ti] Help required: dead powerbook g4 aluminium

Malcolm Cornelius malcolm at fireflyuk.net
Sun Sep 30 18:57:29 PDT 2007

> On Sep 29, 2007, at Sat, Sep 29 2007, 8:29 pm, Malcolm Cornelius  
> wrote:
>> That strike me as a HUGE fee - look around !
> It might, but the alternative is to do it yourself. Then you only  
> have parts costs. But remember that you're paying for a warranted  
> repair that requires no effort on your part and no risk that you'll  
> break something else in the process,  or have it not work after all  
> that time and expense because it's really something else that was  
> broken or some other reason that will cause you additional time and  
> probably expense.

I think i might have read that as the part cost when I replied.

Best wishes

Malcolm Cornelius - The Powerbook Fanatic

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