I have a MATSHITA DVD-RAM UJ-845S, revision d100, in my titanium mercury and it has been great. Lately though it often refuses to spin up the drive on inserting a new disc. It just makes a strange unfamiliar noise. A few times tapping on the top next to the keyboard makes it spin up, but usually I have to restart and reinsert it several times until makes the more familiar squelching noises and spins up the disc. After this point the disc work fine and does usually spin up anew even if it's not spinning. It burns discs, CDs or DVDs, that do work. No problems there. Anyone recognizes this kind of problem either generally or specifically with this drive or have any useful thoughts about it and its resolution? Mikael Technoids: OS X 10.4.8 | Powerbook G4/400 | 1GB / 80GB