[Ti] Can't get Mac to go wireless (Platinum Powerbook 1g mem)

Scott Strehlow strehlow at usermail.com
Mon Mar 17 12:02:39 PDT 2008

On Mar 17, 2008, at 10:00 AM, m_flynn at comcast.net wrote:

> Yup, That is how it is set now but still not working.

Make sure the driver (and firmware) on your Airport is up to date.   
If so, set the router to "54G LRS" and try that.

If that doesn't work, install iStumbler (http://www.istumbler.net/)  
which is free, then take your Mac to a library, coffee shop, friend's  
house, etc. that has an open WiFi network.  See if iStumbler can see  
any of those.  If so, try to connect to them.  That will identify  
whether the problem remains on your Mac or on the router.

If you can connect to other nets, then check to see if your router  
firmware is up to date.  On the router config, go to Utilities,  
Firmware Update and follow the instructions.

The reason I suggest updating the router last is that there is some  
risk involved in flashing the firmware.  If anything goes wrong  
during the process, the router can turn into a brick.  It did  
actually happen to me and Belkin sent me a new one for free, but I  
was without it for two weeks.  Only update that to fix a problem, or  
if Belkin finds some huge security hole, otherwise leave it alone.


P.S. I had to post this 4 times as Mail kept making it RTF which made  
it too big for the list.

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