[Ti] Re: Harddisk switch

Dr. Trevor J. Hutley TrevorHutley at consultant.com
Sun Jun 14 03:02:24 PDT 2009

On 27 May 2009, at 10:18, Arne Hulstein wrote:

> Could anyone answer this? Simon?
> On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 10:50 PM, Arne Hulstein <arne.hulstein at gmail.com 
> > wrote:
> Can I put a harddisk that used to live in a pc laptop in my tibook  
> to replace its dead harddisk? And how do I get MacOS 10.4 back on it  
> as it came installed with it and I have no cd's around here... Are  
> there tibook downloads?
> Arne

If the disk from the PC has the right form factor (9.5 mm, 2.5") and  
connection (IDE) then you can use it.
It sounds as though you do not have a backup of your dead disk, that  
is more than unfortunate.
So you have to start again.  Without the disks and without a backup,  
it is not easy.
MacOS 10.4 was not around at the time that Ti-books were sold.
If I remember correctly, OS X came out around the time that I received  
my first Ti-book (March 2001), but was definitely not installed on  
So even if I could find my original Ti-disks, I am sure they would  
have been OS 9.2.
Better to bite the bullet, move to Leopard, buy an external disk, and  
use TimeMachine.

regards,  Trevor

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