[X-Apps] AppleWorks 6.2.4 spreadsheet

Joel M. Rath joelrath at mac.com
Sat Dec 6 08:40:59 PST 2003

At 5:54 AM -0800 12/6/03, X-Applications wrote:

>I have done something stupid in AW 6 and cannot locate the source of 
>trouble. I have a spreadsheet which is used to record software 
>registration numbers and has never contained any arithmetic 
>I just inserted a row of cells for a new app and found that it 
>insists on making hash of the number. Entering 11 digits is fine, 
>but entering the 12th digit turns into
>	1.1111111111e+11
>I have (i) pitched the pref files; (ii) turned off auto-calculate; 
>(iii) deleted and recreated the row of cells; (iv) checked every 
>last control and preference known to man; and (v) cussed.
>This simple spreadsheet has been used for several years and it has 
>never been a problem. What have I done wrong?
>Ken Philbrick

Appleworks is converting the entry to scientific notation. It treats 
(and converts) any number w/ more than 11 digits to scientific 
notation w/ a maximum decimal precision of 9. You have 2 choices:

1.Enter the number w/ a preceding text character, such as a single quote (') or

2. Create 2 cells for sn entry - one for first 11 digits, next for 
remaining digits. Let's call these H5 & H6.Then in you "real" sn list 
, have cell = CONCAT(H5,H6). This will automatically convert the 
numbers into text & concatenate them.
Joel M. Rath	http://www.rathconsulting.biz	Rath Consulting 
	Phone: 517-423-2472
Mac/PC/Linux Operating System & Application Support
AOL & Yahoo IM, iChat: joelrath

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