[X-Apps] Tool for splitting audio (aiff) files by time

db deebee at aon.at
Thu Nov 6 06:44:32 PST 2003

> I am looking for a tool/application which will allow me to split an
> audio
> (normally AIFF) file into timed segments. Everything I've found so far
> splits on silence.

I've not found a single solution to your querry but I've found it can 
be easily done with but two:

iTunes & Sound Studio

http:// www.apple.com/itunes/

note: you will need to manually enter the desired "break points" in 
Sound Studio (piece of cake) ...just remember to config your iTunes "CD 
burning" prefs to "none" in the gap dialogue if you want the final disk 
to be gap free.

...also note that while Sound Studio is not free, it is completely full 
featured for the first 14 days - enough time to do a month of Sunday 
sermons (smile).

1. import as AIFF with iTunes
2. open with Sound Studio, edit, and save
3. re-open with iTunes and burn.

easy, peasy

Herzogenburg, Austria

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