[X-SW] dictionary

Robert MacLeay robertmacleay at mac.com
Sat Oct 28 09:35:07 PDT 2006

On 10/28/06 7:50 AM, "Jerry Rocteur" <macosx at rocteur.cc> wrote:

> * Jorge Parada <jorgedaniel at mac.com> [2006-10-28 15:43]:
>>    I have been looking for an English-Spanish Spanish-English Dictionary for
>>    Mac OS X for my translation work and I have not found one that suits me.
>>    Can anyone help me?

> What is wrong with the Dashboard Translator ?
> F12 and translate ?


Most words in both Spanish and English have multiple meanings. Translation
software which gives you a single word *without a definition* is essentially

example: cuadrado > adjusted > fit

Too bad if you were asking about the mathematical term for multiplying a
number by itself.

Not to mention that the Dashboard Translator does not play well with other

To answer Jorge's question, I have found nothing satisfactory myself. The
best of a terrible lot is good old Babelfish, which does phrases; being able
to translate the word in context helps.

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