scanners under OS X (10.2.6)

Wayne Clodfelter wayne at
Fri Jul 18 13:48:25 PDT 2003

My AGFA SnapScan 310 (SCSI) is not found by Apple System Profiler. It  
may be a beige G3 thing, I don't know. The scanner is my last SCSI  
device, anyway, so moving to FireWire or USB is fine.
Question is, what scanners, <$200 new, retail, are known to be  
supported under OS X? Apple says that some Epson scanners have support  
built into OS X, but the scanner descriptions only mention Macintosh  
support through OS 9.
Who has a scanner working with its own s/w under OS X?

Another question, for anyone familiar with AGFA ScanWise s/w, is what  
OS X scanner's s/w might be compared favorably with ScanWise?
Thanks very much.



Wayne Clodfelter         <wayne at>
"Well, if you wanta talk fishin', I guess that'll be OK" ...Lynyrd  
Skynyrd in “Ask me no Questions“
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