[X-HW] Canon or Nikon cameras and OS X

John simplymail at ururk.com
Mon Dec 13 08:03:10 PST 2004

> I have a D70 that I use a lot. Nikon charges extra for the software to 
> allow the camera to be controlled by a computer. I have not used it, 
> but there is a 30 day trial period available.

I did some googling after I finished my final (for class...). 
Interesting thing I never thought of - this type of camera does not 
give you a preview even on the LCD screen, due to engineering 
limitations (ie, mirror in way of photo cell, etc...). The Canon 
software does do a quick preview. Not sure about the Nikon SW.

> Probably the biggest downside to the D70, and this would apply to 
> other digital cameras, is getting dust on the photo cell. I have to 
> clean mine at least weekly which is a pain.

Is it durable - to the point where you are not afraid of damaging it?

> I have never used the built in USB connection to transfer my files to 
> the computer. I now save all of my images in RAW format and manipulate 
> them in Photoshop CS using Adobe's RAW image plugin. Works really very 
> well giving great control over the importing of the image.

Good! Does Photoshop CS's plugin work in real time? I don't think I'll 
be able to get a raw file to test out.


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