Use CCC to load OS/prefs/apps/docs all at once?

Chris Foote foote at
Mon Mar 22 08:45:02 PST 2004

>Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2004 12:27:19 -0800
>Subject: [X-HW] G4 MDD -> G5; ?
>From: Jim Robertson <jamesrob at>
>Message-ID: <BC833AA7.CA19%jamesrob at>
>For weeks I've been lurking at the Apple Store website, waiting for good
>pricing on dual processor G5s. Last weekend some dual 1.8 GHz models showed
>up, along with a $30 discount for online purchases, so I pounced. Intially
>the purchase info said it would show up in a month, but it was at my office
>in 3 days. It's still in its shipping carton, waiting for a DRAM transfusion
>and software installation.
>Can I do the latter in FW target disk mode, using CCC to transfer everything
>(including the OS itself) from my dual 1 GHz G4? Is there hardware-specific
>stuff that gets installed during the OS installation that would make this
>not work? I know that Virtual PC just won't run, but any other problems
>likely from doing my software installations like this? Will my prefs and
>licensing info for installed software transfer OK? Are there any mainstream
>Mac programs that tie their licensing to the MAC address of the CPU so that
>I'd have to reinstall them to get them to work?
>Thanks so much.
>Jim Robertson
What I have done a couple of times is to use CCC to copy the users 
and library folders to the new machine in Firewire target disk mode, 
then drag any applications you want to transfer. Some applications 
will need to be reserialized after this, but most won't since the 
library has a lot of the serialization info..


Christopher S. Foote                      |Internet:foote at
5505C Molecular Science                   |Phone:(310)-825-1409
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry  |FAX:  (310)-206-1843
University of California, Los Angeles     |
CA 90095-1569                             |

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