I've unpacked the dual 1.8 GHz G5 about which I wrote the other day for setup advice, booted it, and found that the fans would not throttle back from near maximum velocity. The thing blows the hair on my leg straight! If it had wheels and wings it might move towards liftoff. It came with 10.3.0 installed. My first action was to run Software Update until it had no more things to install other than the irrelevant update for old iPods; i.e., I ran the combined update to 10.3.3 and the firmware update, among others. The fan was still louder than any Dual G4 "mirrored doors" machine I've ever heard. I'm in a cool room and the fans make my bare feet COLD! I called 1-800-SOS-APPL. They had me reset parameter ram, then boot into open firmware and type reset-nvram<return> And Reset-all<return> No help. So, they've given me a case number and asked me to take it to an Apple service provider, saying that a fan might need to be replaced. I can vouch that the fans themselves are VERY healthy. They actually throttle back some if I open the case and lower the clear plastic airflow shield. And, when I boot, the fans throttle back to a tolerable speed and noise briefly for a few seconds before the first image appears on the screen, so they are capable of responding to control signals. Any guesses what might be wrong? I'll report back once my service provider makes a diagnosis. Jim Robertson --