Trojans in the woodpile

John Drake jdljm at
Sun Dec 1 06:56:28 PST 2002

In this case the wood pile appears to be my system. I have been getting 
the following message when I try to access a specific site:

Cyb3r Attack owns you , admin patch your b0x now , cyb3r_attack at

I have NetBarrier X running as a firewall. I have run Virex7 and 
VirusBarrier X and they are not finding anything. I have a laptop 
connect to my router (XRouter MIH-130A) running windows 98 (used to 
connect to my work place via Citrix) I have run a program called Trojan 
Hunter on the laptop and again nothing has been found.

I've tried looking for Trojan Hunter/finder type software for the Mac 
on the net and have found nothing. I have never used the terminal but 
would be willing to learn if there is something out there that runs in 
that mode.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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