[X Newbies] Removing Apps?

Kirk McElhearn kirklists at wanadoo.fr
Tue Dec 10 00:32:41 PST 2002

On 12/10/02 0:15, "paulatx1 at aol.com" <paulatx1 at aol.com> wrote:

>   Let me quote from  page 148 of David Pogue's  Mac OS X: The Missing Manual
> (Second Edition):
> Uninstalling Software
> This is the part where you're so glad to be a Mac user.  To uninstall a
> program, you just drag it (or its folder) from the Applications folder (or
> wherever it is), to the Trash.   You might also check your
> Home---->Preferences folder for the presence of a preference file, which you
> can also trash.
> That's it.  There's no Uninstall program, no Add/Remove Perograms window, no
> left-behind pieces to worry about."
>    I hightly recommend this particular book for newbies.  It's easily
> understandable, well indexed, and full of the information you need to know.

Except that part is downright wrong. Since applications can install things
in many places, that only works for some programs. The biggest problem is if
an application installs a daemon that launches at startup. Apps can also put
lots of stuff in Application Support (though it's no problem if these things
stay there).


      My forthcoming book: Unix for Mac OS X: Learning the Command Line
  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  . . . . . . .  kirk at mcelhearn.com | http://www.mcelhearn.com  . . . . . .
  . .  Kirk McElhearn | Chemin de la Lauze | 05600 Guillestre | France  . .

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