[X Newbies] Photoshop 7.0 Crashes in Jaguar when idle & Epson Printer question

Bill Reburn bill at pacificcoast.net
Tue Dec 17 17:05:07 PST 2002

Wow that's brutal, glad I haven't run into that.

How are you connected to the Epson? Ethernet? USB

I don't think this is the fix, but worth a try - I saw something mentioned
in the log about timing.. if you are running the connection through a
hub/network - try plugging the printer directly to your machine.

I used to work on the same machine - printed often to an older big format
Epson through Ethernet.. Hooking up directly to the machine solved nearly
every problem I had with that device (meaning I had a bad connection in the
network somewhere).

Murphy's Law dictates that any print job needed within x amount of time will
require at least 2 times that to complete.  ;-)

On 12/17/02 4:45 PM, "Ian Sights" <isights at swbell.net> wrote:

> I'm using Photoshop 7.0 on a sawtooth G4 (400mhz agp) with 10.2.2 and
> 704mb of ram.
> Today I had just printed a 45mb file to my Epson 2000P. When I returned
> to the machine, the print was just finishing, and Photoshop had closed
> down. When it doest this, I'm usually not at the machine when this
> happens and there is no dialog box saying PS has crashed and that other
> apps are not affected. I do get seemingly random crashes of other apps.
> Explorer last night, for example. I haven't been able to reproduce any
> of these crashes.
> Do I need to reinstall X? or Photoshop? I have X on a spacious new
> 120gig drive. I installed it fresh a couple of months ago, though I
> would have used CCC if I'd known about it then.
> I looked at the Adobe Photoshop 7.0crash.log in the CrashReporter
> folder and found the information below. There are similar entries for
> other crashes all with the same exception: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001).
> What does this mean and what should I do about it?
> Hmmm, I've just had a look at the console log and it talks about an
> error while printing! This happened while I was printing a 13x19 sheet
> in the printer. Aside from being a bit off color, the print worked
> fine. I do have a problem each time I go to print to the epson. It says
> there is a communications error and I have to go to the print monitor,
> stop the job and restart the job. Then it prints fine. I have to do
> this each time I print. I haven't had time to chase that problem down
> yet. I've just been happy it prints. Any Ideas? Reinstall the printer
> driver?
> Thanks in advance.
> Ian Sights

Bill Reburn

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