Online OS X Problems Tutorial

Randy B. Singer randy at
Thu Nov 28 17:15:21 PST 2002

My Web page:

How To Deal With
Common Macintosh OS X 10.2 Jaguar 

has just undergone another major update.  I have added a number of the 
latest solutions for OS X-related problems.

In addition, there is now a FRENCH translation version of the site.  
(Other languages coming soon!)  

I would appreciate it if folks had a look at the page and made any 
helpful suggestions that they could think of.  There are OS X problems 
listed on the page for which I don't know of any standard solutions. Any 
help would be appreciated.


Randy B. Singer
Co-Author of: The Macintosh Bible (4th, 5th and 6th editions)

"UNIX is basically a simple operating system, but you have to be a genius 
to understand the simplicity."  -Dennis Ritchie.

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