Disappearing subject line in Sent Mail?

Steve St-Laurent st-laur at telus.net
Fri Aug 15 07:47:28 PDT 2003

Norman Cohen <nacohen at mac.com>:

> First, from MacintoshLady's original post, I didn't realize that the
> problem wasn't the drag and drop, but the maintenance of the text in
> the Subject field once the message was sent. That is a different issue,
> albeit related somewhat to drag and drop. In fact, as noted below, I
> agree that Mail doesn't maintain the dragged text in the subject field
> when it was placed there by drag and drop.
> Second, I certainly wasn't being dismissive. I tried to do what it
> appeared ML was doing and the text dragged and stayed in the subject
> field. I didn't subsequently send the message until later when I
> confirmed the problem. By this point a number of other posts dealing
> with the issue had appeared and it seemed redundant to respond.
> If you go back through the archives, you will see that I don't get
> involved in being dismissive about people's posts, I try to help and I
> don't participate in flame wars. I'm a bit offended to be accused of
> doing something of that sort. I've been on this list since the beta
> days and it bothers me how short-fused members of this list have become
> over the past year or so.

. . . after my comment that the problem was real. [See below.] I am 
sorry for being so testy so early in the morning. Should have had a 
coffee first. Perhaps I came out of the gate quickly because this bug 
drives me crazy. Dragging some words from a message body to the subject 
area seems such a natural thing to do. When I first encountered it many 
moons ago I thought it was my computer, so I tested it on a few others 
to be sure.

Again, my apologies.

> Sorry, Norm, it's NOT that clear-cut:
> 1. Blank message window.
> 2. Type a couple of words in the message area, making sure not to type
> a carriage return or any other character that would get blamed.
> 3. Highlight and drag to subject line. Heck, drag same from BBEdit
> with show-invisibles on just to be sure there is no carriage return.
> 4. Save as draft, send to yourself, whatever.
> 5. I consistently do not get the dragged subject saved, as Macintosh
> Lady described [OSX 10.2.6/Mail 1.2.5] and have had this problem
> through every iteration of Mail to date.
> There is a problem with this. Being so dismissive really isn't 
> helpful. <-- the naughty bit.
Steve St-Laurent  |  <st-laur at holecomm.ca>  |  <http://www.holecomm.ca>
Hole-in-the-Wall Communications, Vancouver, BC, Canada  |  604 251 0700

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