Anybody using AP Netgear WG602 with an Airport Extreme Card?

Mariano Kamp mkamp at
Fri Dec 26 05:06:57 PST 2003


  I am wondering if anybody is using a WG602 access point from Netgear
with an Airport Extreme card *and* wep128 encryption?

  It works as long as I don't turn on encryption.

  I believe I entered the key properly as I can see that my dhcp server
sends out dhcp offers and I don't get the response that the entered
"password" is wrong. Funny thing is that it doesn't get any acknowleges
from the client.

  Anybody sharing the same experience? The automated response from the
tech support at netgear is that it might be a compatibility problem ...
Damn it.

  I am using the latest panther with all updates.


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