In a message dated 2/9/2003 4:58:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, Leon.Sargent5 at writes: > > Why is it that his slower system takes half the time to load and get to the log in screen than my system does? Why does he have less wait states and a much perkier application and over all GUI experience than I do.>> Because he has more ram installed than you do. The more ram, the faster OSX runs. This is being typed on a 300 mghz rev A iBook...and it's quite zippy when the ram is maxed out. Trust me. Max out your ram, and make sure you buy quality ram. The only other thing you didn't mention was how much open space was left on the harddrives. You need at least 10% of the harddrive to be open for efficient running. When you start reaching the full mark (ie...running out of open space), speed and performance really start to bog down. Some people even recommend 20% open space on the harddrive with OSX. But I beleive that simply increasing your ram will give you the boost in performance you seek. Paula Rutledge