B&W 350 beats B&W 450 same OS, 10.2.3

Chris Foote foote at chem.ucla.edu
Sun Feb 9 17:55:47 PST 2003

>Date: Sun, 9 Feb 2003 16:58:00 -0500
>Subject: [X Newbies]
>From: Leon Sargent Jr. <Leon.Sargent5 at verizon.net>
>Message-Id: <8E14AE2E-3C79-11D7-AD8A-000502B1139A at verizon.net>
>My nephew has the B&W 350 and I got a 300 but just upgraded to a G3 450
>Zif.  So I call him on the phone because in my opinion I have way to
>many wait states and beachballs for my liking and I would think that
>450Mhz would be  enough to power X 10.2.3 and I have 256 meg of ram so
>I should not be seeing all this sluggishness.
>So here are the comparison B&W's
>His	B&W G3 350
>Me	B&W G3 450
>His	12 gig OEM drive to moherboard
>His	OS X 10.2.3 on 12 gig
>Me	 6 gig OEM drive to motherboard
>Me	30 gig ATA 100 drive to ATA card
>Me	SIIG ATA 133 card
>Me	OS X 10.2.3 on 30 gig
>His	384 meg of ram
>Me	256 meg of ram
>His	Epson printer
>Me	Epson Printer
>His	Epson Scanner
>Me	Epson Scanner
>His	DSL
>His	PC VGA monitor
>Me	PC VGA monitor
>His	CD player
>Me	DVD/CD player
>Well that is everything now for the question.
>Why is it that his slower system takes half the time to load and get to
>the log in screen than my system does?  Why does he have less wait
>states and a much perkier application and over all GUI experience than
>I do.
>I have deleted all the plist files that I thought might be culprits.
>I have many many more apps than my nephew could that be a reason for my
>system being as slow as it is?
>I  notice that when using the newest version of Limewire or MorpheusMac
>that everything seems to come to a grinding stop including the dock and
>application menu bars.
>If someone could tell me how to fix this I would so appreciate it.
>Many thanks.

Hmm. The first thing that comes to mind is RAM. OS X will eat what 
ever you throw at it and smile a bit more each time!
There are also possible disk issues, fragmentation, slower disk, etc. 
Try downloading Xbench from version tracker; that should spot the 

Christopher S. Foote                      |Internet:foote at chem.ucla.edu
5505C Molecular Science                   |Phone:(310)-825-1409
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry  |FAX:  (310)-206-1843
University of California, Los Angeles     |
CA 90095-1569                             |

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