[X Newbies] Making PDF files readable in v5.0 for 9

Scott j-scotty at attbi.com
Tue Feb 18 14:13:16 PST 2003

On Monday, February 17, 2003, at 06:47 PM, TheMacintoshLady wrote:

> Mark_PHILIP at scdf.gov.sg tapped out this message on 2/17/2003 8:36 PM
>> I think the problem is with how you created the PDFs in the first 
>> place.
>> Try this:
>> 1) Go to your application (Say AppleWorks)
>> 2) Open your document, select Print Preview
>> 3) This should generate a PDF. I believe that either Acrobat Reader 5 
>> or
>> Preview will launch. Save the resulting previewed document as name.pdf
>> 4) You should be able to open this PDF on any platform...
>> Hope that helps!
>> Let us know how it goes!
> I have done this as well as SAVE AS PDF. I made a lot of PDFs in Mac 
> OS.
> I wonder if they won't read due to not having resource forks in the X
> system?
> A lot of things do NOT carry over and no wonder, it's UNIX of course.

Can you tell us exactly how you create these PDFs? I just checked 
AppleWorks and TextEdit, neither of which provides a choice of PDF 
format in the Save As dialog.

What if you do a screen shot using command-shift-3? Can the resulting 
pdf file be opened on  an OS 9 machine?

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