[X Newbies] Oops! Another Samba Panic

sLiving sliving-lists at gmx.net
Wed Feb 19 00:19:40 PST 2003

On 13.02.2003 15:11 Uhr, "Bill Reburn" <bill at pacificcoast.net> wrote:

> My bet is that just like the Finder bug and Sleep bug in OSX, you should
> learn to live with it (or a way around it), cause it ain't gonna be fixed
> soon!
> On 2/12/03 8:35 PM, "Jerry Krinock" <dearjerry at mindspring.com> wrote:
>> Well, I did it again.  When I got home this evening I woke up my Powerbook
>> and found it was really sluggish.  Lots of spinning pizza wheels.  Ooops!!
>> I remembered that I had connected to a Windows server via the built-in Samba
>> (OS 10.2.3) and forgot to eject it before I left my day-job.


Had similar problems with my Powerbook and I opted to reinstall 10.2.3.
After that all works flawlessly and I can leave my desk without
disconnecting from server as it was before. And Jaguar runs even faster as I
got rid of some soft I didn't use for log time.

I do not believe the fault was a Finder, sleep or Samba bug in OS X but a
soft or PreferencePane I installed, which destroyed permission rights in
deeper level what couldn't be repaired anymore!? I was on a longer travel
and didn't connect to a server at that time, so I do not know when my
problems started to appear or which soft or update I installed was the case.



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