[X Newbies] HUUUGE Bug in Apple Mail

Vincent Cayenne vcayenne at mac.com
Sun Jan 5 18:13:56 PST 2003

At 3:02p +0100 2003/01/05, Grégoire Seither wrote:
>I have finally managed to pin down the Bug in Apple Mail :
>- <snip>...
>- <snip>...
>- <snip>...
>- Click OK
>- Close Preferences

>If your Mac is like mine (G4 EMac running 10.2.3) then all the 
>messages in your InBox will have disappeared - "poooof". And they 
>are gone forever.

On a list for "Newbies", it would be best to preface instructions of 
this type with some warnings and disclaimers. Fortunately, it seems 
that the "bug" isn't easily reproducible by others...
Dopeler effect:
   The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.
   - (Greg Oetjen, Lorton)

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