Dock Overlaps

Chris Foote foote at
Sat May 10 16:46:34 PDT 2003

>Message-Id: <v03010d05bae17a102ed4@[]>
>Date: Fri, 9 May 2003 11:32:07 -0400
>From: Anne Keller-Smith <earthpigz at>
>Subject: [X Newbies]
>Just fooling around with the dock, trying to get it in a position where it
>overlap the bottom, top or sides of files. This is Jaguar X.2.
>What's up with this? If the dock's at the bottom, I can't access the resize
>because it covers it. If it's on the left side, it overlaps the top menu
>bar a bit.
>If it's on the right, it covers folder labels.
>Where's a good place for the dock?
>Anne Keller Smith
>Down to Earth Web Design
>G4 733mHz | Graphite iMac 333mHz
>mailto:earthpigz at
>10MB emailbox limit/send no attachments.

It's a matter of preference, I think. My favorite: on the right 
(particularly on an LCD monitor which is fairly wide). I pin it at 
the bottom (use Tinkertool to access the undocumented preference). 
Then the trash stays put at the lower right corner where you want it. 
Doesn't overlap anything on any of my machines either.

Christopher S. Foote                      |Internet:foote at
5505C Molecular Science                   |Phone:(310)-825-1409
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry  |FAX:  (310)-206-1843
University of California, Los Angeles     |
CA 90095-1569                             |

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